Monday, September 08, 2014

Diabelli Project 056 - String quartet

The Diabelli Project is about offering my weekly flash-composition sketches freely to all. Like Antonio Diabelli's theme these sketches aren't great music. But perhaps (as in Diabelli's case) there's a Beethoven out there who can do great things with them.

Not sure what happened this week -- but all of a sudden I had the opening to a multi-movement string quartet. Since the time for the flash composition is extremely limited, I didn't have time to add dynamics and articulation, although I have a pretty good idea what they should be. As with my other sketches for this project, though, I only edit for clarity, resisting the urge to tweak passages or add more material after the fact.

 Do you think this quartet has possibilities? You're welcome to explore them. If you happen to complete this sketch, or use it as the basis for some other work, please let me know -- that's the only condition I have for using the material.

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