Monday, March 05, 2018

Diabelli Project 183 - Wind Duet Part 1

The Diabelli Project is about offering my weekly flash-composition sketches freely to all. Like Antonio Diabelli's theme, these sketches aren't great music. But perhaps (as in Diabelli's case) there's a Beethoven out there who can do great things with them.

This flute and clarinet duet was written in 10-minute flash composition installments

New month, new project. The idea for this duet popped into my head right as I was putting pen to paper. That's actually the way I like to do these flash compositions. It helps me bypass my inner critic, who often prevents me from writing anything at all.

I started with the unison motif and then took it from there. As you can see, it wasn't long before the two instruments wandered off in their own directions.

As always, you can use any or all of the posted Diabelli Project sketches as you wish for free. Just be sure to share the results. I'm always curious to see what direction someone else can take this material.

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