Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Well, this is embarrassing (but not to me)

There's a huge controversy stirring at WTJU, the station I volunteer for (but this post isn't about that). The University wants to makeover the station, and listeners are understandably upset (OK, me too). The University hurriedly set up a forum for listeners and volunteers to share their thoughts.

They came up with a really nice header for the site. (Click to enlarge) This is the embarrassing part.

You see, I recognized the image -- because I took it. Here's the original. (Click on image to enlarge.)

Notice the computer screen -- it's showing the playlist blog for my show "Gamut" that I was updating at the time.

I didn't give the University permission to use this image, so where did it come from? Well, I posted it on my Facebook page, so it apparently was lifted from there. So here's the dilemma. Do I send a take-down notice to the University for the unauthorized use of my work? Or leave it alone?

The takeaway (as if I didn't already know it), is that anything online is fair game -- to anyone.
 - Ralph


  1. Might theft of the picture be an honor code violation? Does the University follow the student rules?

    "Welcome to the University of Virginia Honor Committee Website

    Students at the University have pledged themselves not to lie, cheat, or steal. This personal commitment to ethical, responsible behavior is the foundation for our student-run Honor System."


  2. Well, I don't know exactly who put up the site. It may have been an employee, or perhaps a station volunteer. I think it's most likely not a student, though, so the Honor Code wouldn't apply.
