Monday, April 16, 2018

Diabelli Project 188 - Piece for Marimba (Part 2)

The Diabelli Project is about offering my weekly flash-composition sketches freely to all. Like Antonio Diabelli's theme, these sketches aren't great music. But perhaps (as in Diabelli's case) there's a Beethoven out there who can do great things with them.

Last week I started this sketch and established the parameters for the piece. For the most part, I treat the right and left hands as separate instruments. Each hand plays in a different key center, and the music is about the conversation between the two.

This week that conversation continues. Originally I thought the right hand should use hard rubber mallets, and the left soft yarn mallets. It would heighten the difference between the two hands. But it could also limit what the performer could do.

The single line sections below, for example, could be played alternating hands. That wouldn't be possible with different mallets in each hand.

As always, you can use any or all of the posted Diabelli Project sketches as you wish for free. Just be sure to share the results. I'm always curious to see what direction someone else can take this material.

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