Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Voting should be more than a once-in-a-lifetime experience

It looks like the 2020 election will have one of the highest turnouts ever. If this is the first election you've participated in, thank you for being a responsible citizen. But please don't consider this a one-shot.

Every year you, dear citizen, have the opportunity to make equally important decisions. Yes, national leaders steer the country as a whole. But what impacts all of us most is what happens locally. 

Concerned about taxes? Then vote to decide who will set the state tax rates, the county tax rates, and perhaps your town or municipality tax rates. 

The President doesn't determine if the town sewer system's going to get that much-needed repair -- the town council does. And they decide who gets to do it -- be it a competent contractor or incompetent inlaw. 

And remember -- the appointed officials in your local government are selected by your elected ones. So if you don't the job your planning commission is doing, express your displeasure in your vote for the officials that hired them.

Case in point. Our local board of supervisors met in person for their August meeting. It made headlines. "Orange County investigated by health officials after unmasked supervisors hold first meeting in pandemic era."

Our fearless -- no, make that feckless -- leaders.

Our local leaders all walked into the room, through the doors with "masks required" signs, and sat down -- all without masks. They conducted their business and did grip-and-grin photos to present citations and awards -- all without masks. 

When interviewed, one supervisor said it was a "personal decision" not to wear a mask.


I will make a personal decision myself the next time my supervisor comes up for reelection. 

So for all you first-time (or first-in-a-long-time voters), good on you. If you truly care about democracy, I'll see you again at the polls next year.

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